This thushi is also well-known as DOT PATCH KOLHAPURI THUSHI. It has a pendal with three line pf hand crafted special taas pieces around ruby stone. Match it with a long kolhapuri saaj for a complete look.
Contrast pattern in kolhapuri thushi. Now avialable to buy online and in our retail store in rishabh gold this kolhapuri thushi is famously know as DOTMANI VENINPENDAL GATTA THUSHI it comes with a special hand made taas pendal. This thushi has a handmade pendal with a big ruby stone in between and hand crafted pieces along its side in a curve. It also had latkan for a traditional look. Made up of small beads and having a patch of big special hand cut dot mani in between this thushi looks perfect when equiped with navari saree.This kolhapuri thushi can be matched with long kolhapuri saaj for a total marathi look. CLICK HERE to view our kolhapuri saaj.
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Contrast pattern in kolhapuri thushi. Now avialable to buy online and in our retail store in rishabh gold this kolhapuri thushi is famously know as DOTMANI VENINPENDAL GATTA THUSHI it comes with a special hand made taas pendal. This thushi has a handmade pendal with a big ruby stone in between and hand crafted pieces along its side in a curve. It also had latkan for a traditional look. Made up of small beads and having a patch of big special hand cut dot mani in between this thushi looks perfect when equiped with navari saree.This kolhapuri thushi can be matched with long kolhapuri saaj for a total marathi look. CLICK HERE to view our kolhapuri saaj.
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